Financial Statements Audit is the main service that integrates our portfolio, so we have wide experience in it, since we provide our services to both private and public sector, to industrial, commercial, and service companies, State and Municipal Governments, companies and parastatal organizations, Universities, being some of its main areas the following ones:
Manufacturing Companies:
Chemicals, food, yarn, fabric and apparel, construction, plastic injection, heavy machinery, production lines, auto parts, stampings, industrial machinery, etc.
Commercial Companies:
Car dealerships, automotive parts, furniture stores, hardware and steel stores for the construction industry, groceries, glassware, perishable foods, yarn, fabric, and clothing stores, public freight transportation, public transportation of gasoline, fuel oil and diesel, gas stations, department stores, software and hardware, agricultural and livestock products, restaurants (international franchises), etc.
Service Companies:
Trustees of Universities, educational institutions, general professional service providers, etc.
Livestock and Agriculture
Animal research institutes for the development of food products, farms, ranches, hydroponic and seedling greenhouses.
We have developed an audit methodology in accordance with the needs of convergence of financial information, as well as the evolution of auditing standards and procedures, which helps us to identify and understand the business environments in which our client operates, as well as their domestic activities combined with an analytical review of their financial, operational, and tax figures, which allows us to determine the specific risks in each of the audit areas and consequently focus on the areas and items of greatest risk, we have also designed a voice and data solution that has been recognized nationally by the prestigious transnational company CISCO Systems, Inc. http://www.cisco.com/ infrastructure that gives life to our technological convergence project applied to the services inherent to public accounting.
Being aware that our work must be of high quality and efficient at the same time, we have designed different types of auditing services, which are classified according to the objective they pursue and as listed below:
1. Audit of financial statements,
2. Audit of financial statements for tax purposes,
3. Audit for Social Security purposes (I.M.S.S.),
4. Audit for INFONAVIT [National Fund for Workers’ Housing Matters] purposes,
5. Audit on specific entries of the financial statements (for specific purposes),
6. Government Audits.
Without the slightest doubt, we have the human and material elements necessary to provide opinions regarding the reasonableness of the financial statements prepared by our clients, which present the financial situation of their companies, in order to inform its different users interested in going concern, whether for accounting, credit, tax, legal, etc. purposes.