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We provide high-quality professional services in the areas of Tax Law and Corporate Law, both for natural persons and legal entities. Among others, the services we offer are the following: TAX AREA: Legal and accounting advice in the realization of audit procedures by the Tax Authorities, such as home visits, desk reviews, reviews of advisory opinion to Public Accountants. Filing of defense actions in tax matters: A. Appeal for Revocation with the SAT or other authorities. B. Motion for Reconsideration with the IMSS [Mexican Institute of Social Security] and INFONAVIT [National Fund for Workers’ Housing Matters]. C. Nullity action before the Federal Court of Tax and Administrative Justice. D. Direct and Indirect Amparo [Constitutional Challenge] Lawsuit in tax and administrative matters. Tax Defense against imposition of fines and determination of surcharges and updating. Tax defense against acts issued in administrative enforcement proceedings, such as seizure, valuation of assets, auction, interventions, among others. Tax defense against liquidation of tax credits. Legal and accounting consulting in tax matters. Tax planning for companies. CORPORATE AREA Incorporation of companies. Minutes of Meetings. Contracts.